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Week 13: Horror & Connotative Diction


Monday: Depending on the graphic organizer you receive, visit the associated website and complete the activities:

~ If you have the Awards sheet, visit this page on Buzzfeed and choose the winners. be sure to add reasoning (rationale) to your organizer. Blog about your favorite three stories, and hyperlink the page. What was so great about them?

~ If you have the Horror Genres and Subgenres sheet, visit this page on Blastr, and choose a story to read. Write a blog post: (1) identify the genre/subgenre; (2) summarize the story; and (3) provide your personal reaction to the story.

Tuesday: Read, then learn all about connotation. Begin creating connotation charts.

Wednesday: Complete connotation charts, read, prep How to Read Lit Like a Professor notes and book club role sheet for Friday.

Thursday: Post connotation charts on your blogs with the following:

(1) A definition of diction with the source hyperlinked

(2) A definition of connotation with the source hyperlinked

Afterward, return to horror story blog post, and identify five uses of connotative diction that any author used to create a frightening or disturbing tone

Finally, read your novels and complete your chosen role for this week – due tomorrow

Friday: Read and compose a text-supported response to three of the following issues:

(1) How has your novel’s author begun to develop tension in the novel?

(2) How does your novel’s author use diction effectively in a certain passage to create a purposeful tone?

(3) How does your novel’s author use dialogue to reveal characters’ characteristics in your novel?

(4) How is one of the literary patterns in your booklet reflected in the text?

Participate in fishbowl activity – students must speak at least twice and must cite specific passages in their books

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