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Week 16 - EOCs & Theories about Postmodernism

Monday - Wednesday: Let's do what that meme tell us to do. EOC time!

Thursday & Friday: Let's reject it completely and explore Postmodern film and poetry. Those Postmodernists don't appreciate formality and standardization, so we'll take a look at what that really means through films like the one we analyzed last week. We will also complete some morality simulations that will explore who we are as post-Postmodernists and how what we see affects our decision-making and social consciousness.

We'll soon see why, beginning in the 1960s with the Vietnam War and a cultural movement that embraced deconstruction of norms in art and language and even in reality. Let's keep on truckin' to the end of this course down the path of the hippies through the day America and the world thought would never happen, and see how lifestyle and tragedy are reflected in postmodern art.

Our final project will be a digital exploration of a postmodern poet. Click the link below to see a model I created for you and to access directions. We will work in the lab or on laptops for at least 4 class days. If everyone has submitted their projects by the last full day of schooll, we will have a Coffee House Poetry Day for your final day as juniors. Let's make it happen!

***If I cannot get access to a lab or the laptops carts because of testing, we will do our final projects on posters, or I will assign an essay. Time will tell ***

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