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Week 17: Postmodernism in Film and Literature

Monday: Complete Postmodernism Concept poster (film elements), then read assigned short stories and compose summaries, list postmodern elements, and illustrate important concepts. Append individual short story pages to your group's film poster.

Tuesday: Complete Postmodern Concept poster, and prepare for tomorrow's discussion covering the following questions:

a. How is postmodernism evident in your short story?

b. What literary elements does the writer use to provide the reader with depth of experience?

c. What are the main character’s most important traits? Why are these traits important?

d. What is the one thing the writer makes you curious about? Why?

e. How are any other literary patterns we have discussed evident in your story?

f. Honors: Discuss relevance to Maslow’s pyramid and Vonnegut’s Structures of Stories as relevant to your reading

g. Honors: Discuss a song with lyrics that reflect an idea or literary concept that connects to the films and stories on your poster.

Wednesday: First, discuss and take notes in small groups, then speak whole group. You will need to answer at least two questions whole group. Cited textual evidence with thorough answers required!

Thursday: Finish our discussions, then fine-tune our understanding of using lead-ins for ALL quotes. Quoting with each type of lead-in will be a requirement for the final project.

Friday: Finish annotating lead-in types for quotes. Discuss article content. Watch the 1st 20 minutes of 102 Minutes that Changed America.


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